Making children’s journeys to school a joy ride - opportunities and challenges on the path towards a cycling-to-school culture
At Fusion we are dedicated advocates for cycling in all shapes and forms – and that includes the simple act of cycling to school. With the start of the new school year here, it’s a good time to celebrate the tremendous benefits that cycling can bring for children, parents, and communities. But there are many challenges that persist and must be addressed to make the journey to a widespread cycling-to-school culture smoother.
Scientific studies have consistently shown the numerous benefits of cycling to school for both students and parents. In a study published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, school-age children who cycled or walked to school had improved concentration and cognitive function compared to those who were driven. A recent Danish study, which followed around 20,000 children aged 5 to 15 years, found that cycling to school raises fitness levels and cognitive performance. We wrote about how to get your children started in cycling for Shimano’s lifestyle site and explored the fun of family adventures by bike.
It’s clear: cycling to school is great. So, why is it so difficult, especially in the UK?
Cycling together - parents and children form a ‘bike bus’.
Tackling the Challenges
Many areas still lack safe cycling infrastructure. In the UK our work with Shimano’s State of the Nation Report 2022 revealed that 49% of Brits felt that cycling infrastructure had not improved and that 36% felt that more cycling infrastructure was needed to ensure safety.
Absence of cycling lanes or mixed-traffic lanes can make the journey intimidating, deterring parents from encouraging their children to cycle to school. Investment in active travel infrastructure such as segregated bike lanes, low-traffic streets, cycle traffic signals, and bicycle-friendly road surfaces are crucial for making children and parents confident to cycle to school.
Reducing School Run Congestion
Each year, the 'school run' significantly contributes to traffic congestion and air pollution. By embracing cycling, it not only makes the streets safer but also leads to less crowded and polluted environments for everyone in the community. In London, it’s reported that a staggering 250,000 journeys in the morning peak are down to the school run.
Safety is paramount when we speak about encouraging children to cycle to school. Addressing high-speed traffic in school zones, improving visibility around schools and implementing traffic-calming measures are essential steps towards making roads safer for young cyclists. School Streets works by closing certain streets around schools to traffic during school drop off and pick up times. This reduces problems caused by parked cars and traffic, making it easier and safer for children to walk, cycle or scoot and helping to improve air quality.
Bike Storage at Schools
Insufficient and insecure bike storage facilities at schools can prove another barrier. Our work on Shimano’s State of the Nation report in 2020 showed that people were put off purchasing bikes because of a lack of safe storage and the fear of bike theft. Space to store bikes at home and at work is needed to make the concept of seamless door-to-door travel by bike a realistic option, especially for urban dwellers.
Efforts by Sustrans UK to assess and improve bike storage facilities in schools exemplify the kind of steps needed towards making schools more bike-friendly.
Give kids freedom
Cycling cultivates a sense of independence and resilience in children by facilitating navigational skills and road sense. With adequate cycling proficiency training, this can engrain safety habits that last a lifetime.
Initiatives such as the Bikeability training scheme in the UK are beneficial but need to be universally employed to ensure that every child gets appropriate cycle training. Crucially, they need to be backed up with infrastructure. Parents and teachers can also benefit from cycling proficiency schemes, becoming guides and influencers for young cyclists.
Policy Advocates
Though we've seen successful programmes in places like London, with their Mini-Holland scheme, and in Utrecht, the world's top cycling city, far-reaching systemic changes are required. Governments and local authorities need to recognise and act on their role in making the school-run cycling revolution a reality. But these steps need community buy-in. If residents can see the benefits in less congestion and less traffic fumes outside the front door then we may have success. Here is one happy School Streets story from Newcastle.
Adjusting Attitudes
Society’s attitude towards cycling plays a major role here. For many, driving remains the default choice for school runs. We need compelling campaigns like the Fusion lead #BikeIsBest movement, promoting the wide-ranging benefits of cycling and challenging the car-centric mindset.
Protected cycle lanes are a key part in giving children and parents the confidence to cycle to school
The Journey Continues
With increasing urban congestion, environmental concerns, and growing drive for healthier lifestyles, the benefits of cycling to school have never been more pertinent. Fusion Media is home to all cyclists, and we aim to spearhead the narrative that cycling should not simply be a fringe activity or a pastime but a staple of our daily living.